Preparation and Integration Coaching: What is it?
Let’s say, hypothetically, that you are about to go bungee jumping. You would be wise to find someone who knows how to hook up the harness, make sure the cables are all attached to the right points, and prepare you for the jump. Failing to prepare in all of the appropriate ways could land you in mess that will be hard to clean up and impossible to integrate. Ideally, you get the support you need to take that leap and have a profound experience that you’re able to bring back with you in a way that adds fulfillment and value to your life.
The exhilaration and freedom that you taste in that journey from free fall to rebound leaves an impact that has the potential to transform your life into one of empowerment and deep trust in the reality that you are held in the arms of everything. Integrating the reality of Paradise and your place in the flow of the Higher Purpose is the process we are all interwoven into.
This is the capacity of psychedelics. They catalyze our journey of self-discovery by revealing who we are through releasing the illusions of who we are not. It is a dying and a rebirth. From separation to the knowing of who you are as a facet of the One all pervading essence of Light and Love.
I am here as a mirror to hold space for your journey into the bliss of Being. Welcome home.
We are all dying to exist. Walking each other home to our place in the ever unfolding dance of Cosmic Unity.
Your dream career is to live embodied as a vessel for the expression of Spirit. To land the gig of being employed by Love all you must do is Apply Within and inquire sincerely; Who Am I?
“Chris is a fantastic Coach/Guide. He creates a space that has allowed me to go off in any direction I need to. With an attentive ear, he always guides me back home and has helped me do the work that has been most important for my growth.”
— Rob